歐盟共同漁業政策改革方案嚴懲非法作業為打擊過漁及掌握水產品自捕獲至餐桌流程,歐洲執委會同意將共同稽查條例納入共同漁業政策(CFP)改革方案。該條例包括懲處涉及非法作業船員的記點新制及撤銷累犯執照。歐盟漁業委員長Maria Damanaki警告,一經電看房子子交叉比對全歐洲的作業資料後證實觸法者,無論何國籍,一律嚴懲。委員會致力整合及增修標準不一的舊規定以保護開發過度的漁業資源。獲得授權的委員會有權稽查會員國有否依共同稽查條例管理轄屬漁業,倘稽查員發現重大違紀會以減少會員國配額作為懲戒。汽車美容委員會將於7月就CFP提出改革方案,並於2013年生效。其他還有降低丟棄率、依港口卸魚量而非捕獲量轉換配額制等提案;遭到丟棄的漁獲多半是因為漁船超捕或魚體過小。提議改革的草案可望逐步實現全面禁止丟棄、嚴格監控漁船卸下全數漁獲。(摘譯於買屋INFOFISH Trade News, No. 9/2011,16 May 2011)STRICTER CONTROL IN COMMON FISHERIES POLICY REFORMAs part of the reform of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy, the EU has agreed on commoninspection rules to prevent overfishing and make 澎湖民宿it possible to trace fish "from net to plate", theEuropean Commission reported.The rules include a new point system to reprimand crew who fish illegally and those who accumulatetoo many points risk losing their license. Maria 賣屋Damanaki, the EU Fisheries Commissioner said thatthe fishing data would be cross-checked electronically across Europe and law-breakers would faceequally severe sanctions. The move to reform the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) comes 買房子followingthe serious stock depletion.The new controls replace and update old rules that were scattered in different regulations, theCommission says. The Commission will be empowered to carry out checks on member states'fisheries 房屋出租controls and reduce certain fishing quotas if the EU inspectors find serious infringements.The commission will issue a proposal on reforming the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in July, totake effect in 2013.Among the other proposals 售屋網are to eliminate discards, by switching to quota systems based on howmany fish are landed in port rather than how many are caught. Up to half the catch of some specieshas to be discarded because vessels have exceeded their quota, or 新成屋because the fish are undersized. Thedraft proposal envisages phasing in a complete discard ban, obliging vessels to "record and land" allcatches.

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